Surly Girly Opening her mouth and removing doubt |
Productivity grinding to a screeching halt June 23, 2005 Updates: Had lunch yesterday with the recruiter #3 - she even bought. I forgot that people "out in the real world" still had expense accounts. The position she's pitching me for, they're already checking references (3 of my 5 called yesterday) and I've not had a formal interview with the hiring manager yet. Anyone else think thats a little wierd? Interview this morning at competitor went well, I think. Loved the most senior level boss - seems like alot of fun and someone I might fit well with "culturally." The immediate manager type also seemed like a good guy to have as your boss - real straightforward, really hands-off (in the good way), and spoke very highly of his team (good sign). He was a little dry though, and I did catch myself once kind've stammering out a cliche type comment. I hate when I do that - normally I'm a pretty good interview and can stay witty and confident without sounding cocky. I'm pretty sure I came off as "vacant" for that one moment. Maybe my credentials and the rest of the interview will be more prominent in his mind. Anyway - they just started their search (they hadn't even started going through resumes yet, other than mine, cuz duh) so it'll be a long time before I hear anything. Recruiter #4 sent me an e-mail today (yes there is another new one) requesting more info on my skills. Still waiting to hear more about the position/company they want to pitch me for, but hey, when it rains, it pours, huh? The big guy is home today doing laundry. I feel kinda bad and even told him I would do it this weekend, but he insisted. Brace yourself, but before that - he MOPPED. The other day he asked me what he needed to do today (since its the only day before vacation he has off) and I joked when I told him to mop (I was going to do it this weekend). I am sure he's trying to be helpful and feel useful, but really I'd rather him have rested up today and got himself prepped for the next 6 days of sheer hell at work. Plus now he's going to play that card forEVER. "yeah? Well I mopped last weekend, do I have to do EVERYTHING around here?" (maybe you get the picture?) In other words, my productivity this afternoon has ground to a halt. So all you out there in Internet world: UPDATE! Thanks. Only 6 more days til vacation. posted by LoneStarCupcake  @ 1:58 PM Comments:
I dunno, it just seems odd to me that I've not even had an interview yet. (other than with just the recruiter...)
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On the other hand, maybe it'll speed up the decision-making process once they do conduct interviews. Still no news on yours? When will you know? << Home |
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