Surly Girly

Opening her mouth and removing doubt
Miscellaneous data, most of it useless
August 17, 2005

So I started taking the melatonin last week and I can say without a doubt that I'm sleeping MUCH better - although God help me if I have to wake up in the middle of the night - soo disoriented and groggy. I don't know if I can say its all because of my sleep, but so far since Friday the 5th, I'm down 5 pounds total. Go me!

I have not, however, been able to give up coffee. Quite the contrary actually. On Sunday TBG and I did some power shopping and came home with this bad boy, a coffee grinder, tamper, frothing pitcher, and a big bag of Starbucks' espresso beans. We also bought a new DeLonghi coffee maker. We immediately rushed home and spent the next hour testing it out - trying to figure out the perfect granule size in the grinder, the perfect "pull" etc. We finally got it working, and yum! Still not as good as Starbucks, but not bad for a home version.

Also have I ranted lately about MY NEED FOR SPACE? Just like bathroom etiquette dictates that you should leave a stall between you and the next person, don't in an otherwise empty bathroom go into the stall right next to the one person in the last stall. Ew. Well, anyway, like bathroom etiquette, at the gym when there is a circuit thing going, and there are 20 stations and only 4 people, do NOT come up the station right in front of me so that I now have to finish my workout in your trail of stank and sweat - especially when there are 15 other possible stations and plenty of options that would leave 4-5 stations between you and the next person!

Also on stank at the gym? I work out almost every day in the morning at 6:15 so that I have time to shower and dry my hair and all that jazz before work. On M-W-F, there are 2 other girls that come in at 6 so they are just getting out of the showers as I am going in. And EVERY M-W-F, the bathroom is SO NASTY smelling. I don't know what they're doing in there - apparently gutting fish or something - but I swear I'm going to switch to evening workouts or else start bringing a big ol' bottle of Lysol in with me to spray down the shower area before I go in. It's just .. Guh.

In other news, I had my interview at competitor today (again slinking across the street hoping I wouldn't be spotted waltzing into enemy territory) and I think it went okay. Can't tell really, but it sounded like maybe I was either the only one or maybe one of only 2 that came back for this round. I met the entire rest of the team and they seemed nice enough and most were pretty positive. One little wierd thing? One of the team members is friends with the other Senior manager in my office and she recognized me. I hope she doesn't blab that I was over there - I'd rather keep my interviewing on the DL, yano? Should find out something by the end of next week, so keep your fingers crossed. That's all I got for today.

posted by LoneStarCupcake  @ 4:42 PM


Just showering where other people shower that I don't know would gross me out. Much less it smelling like gutted fish - Bleh!

Good luck, I hope you get the new job. Will your current supervisor make life difficult if she knows you are looking for another job? that would suck.

Oh - if my current supervisor knew, she'd be a big ol' witch about it. Hopefully she won't find out - I doubt the other manager (that might find out from her friend that works there) would say anything. My boss is widely known for being a *insertdirtywordherethatrhymeswithbunt* and the other manager doesn't think very highly of her either. In fact I'd be hard-pressed to say if my boss has any allies at all in organization.

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