Surly Girly Opening her mouth and removing doubt |
Pampered Guilt Trip June 13, 2005 Y'all, my whole body hurts. After 2 weeks of ignoring the gym, I decided to rejoin the world of the active by doing a little yardwork yesterday. Apparently there is a large tree growing right up in the middle of my Rose of Sharon. With this torrential downpour-blazing sunshine-torrential downpour (repeat) weather pattern, the lawn is a veritable jungle and the weeds in my poor neglected flower beds are actually growing BARK. So anyway, I swam out to the front porch (humidity) and pruned the hell out of all the vines and weeds and nasty stuff. There was a particularly ugly vine that I was suspicious of (very poison ivy looking) but it turned out to be Virginia Creeper. Anyway - I still suffered through the process in long sleeved shirt, long pants, knee high socks and the thickest work gloves I could pilfer from the Big Guy. I'd rather sweat and ache than itch. ANY DAY. Anyway, long story short, I am a bit sore this morning from the yanking and digging. So I figured I'd go visit my old friends, the circuit machines, this morning so I can maybe get back in the routine. I also weighed myself and was shocked to discover that I'd not put on any pounds in the last several weeks. I mean I'm not at my lowest weight, but I'm not back where I started either. So thats a good thing! The other highlight of my weekend was the Pampered Chef party I attended. Of course, I need more kitchen gadgets like I need a hole in my head, but the hostess is an absolute doll of a friend who I never get to visit with. Not only did I buy stuff, (and yes, I bought stuff) but I also *ahem* signed up to host a party in September. I guess at least the house will get a thorough cleaning that weekend. The Pampered Consultant told me to invite 40 people because at least 1/2 won't attend. 40? Really? I don't know 40 people and if I had 20 women crowded into my kitchen, it would be an honest-to-God clusterfuck in there. So if you get an invitation from me in September, you better show up and be gracious when I plop you down at a card table on a rickety fold up chair. I'm hoping my mom will come up and help me make the yard more presentable too. What blooms (or is still blooming) in September in Zone 5/6 that I'm not too late to plant? Also I better schedule Sears to come shampoo the carpet again. I should start a list. A LIST! (It's a sickness, the list making. And I love a legitimate reason for a list.) Otherwise, I watched several movies this weekend: Team America, Ocean's Twelve, Emma, Sideways, The Prince and Me, and all of the Sex in the City episodes in the last season (God Bless Video on Demand). I honestly think I enjoyed Emma best (even though I loathe Gwynneth Paltrow and think Ewan McGregor could annoy the paint right off a wall). Sideways was good, but it was a little darker than I was expecting. Okay - so its Monday morning, better get busy. Only 16 days til vacation. Hooray! posted by LoneStarCupcake  @ 9:23 AM |
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