Surly Girly

Opening her mouth and removing doubt
Miss me?
June 10, 2005

So the last couple of weeks has been all kinds of busy. I wish I could tell you I got a new job, but no. So the last few weeks, in bullet points:
  • Over Memorial Day weekend, the first 3-day weekend the Big Guy and I have had together since Christmas, we went camping/boating at the lake. Except that about an hour after we arrived Friday night to the camp site, I started seeing the signs of food poisoning. Needless to say I spent all day Saturday in the camper trying to recover. Made it out on the boat on Sunday, but was a bit green when we got back. It wasn't until Tuesday that I felt back to normal. Also, and related, I was the only one of us that didn't get sunburned. Bah - I feel so cheated. At least TBG got to frollick and beat up his liver - he really needed some R&R. I hate it that he so rarely gets 2 days off in a row, and 3 days off is monumental.
  • Last weekend I made up for the Memorial weekend not-drinking, non-having fun. We loaded up the kiddies and went back out to the lake on Sunday, whereupon I drank MORE than my fair share of tequila. I also managed to avoid sunburn (god bless Coppertone Sport Spray 30 SPF) - except for a small area on my wrist (ostensibly the wrist that was holding my drink up out of the water) and a little line on my ass where my swimsuit ends and my quivering white skin begins.
  • I also took the girls to see Madagascar. We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly - I HIGHLY recommend finding a small person to take if you need an excuse. Pixar is truly producing some quality stuff.
  • All 3 of us girls in my office at my level (i.e. not management) are now job-hunting. Can't wait for HR to have to do that exodus when we all find fabulous new jobs. On the other hand - wow morale is really bad around here.
  • I've lately been on an emo-music kick. I got a mix CD from (for knowing the origin of the URL - Woody Allen, btw) that had a few songs on it that made me sort've pine for some old stuff from the depths of my CD carrier. So this week? Badly Drawn Boy, Morrissey, Weezer, another mix of some indie emo stuff, Belle & Sebastian, Depeche Mode, and we'll see what else drags up its ugly head. I better get it out of my system before our big trip in just _THREE_ weeks, since TBG only enjoys music made by gold-teef thugs. Should be an interesting battle for music control. Maybe I'll just plug into the DVD player with the girls and watch Disney movies.
  • This morning I got ogled on the freeway. I hit a cloudy patch on my way in, and pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head and was checking my lipstick. I got a wierd feeling someone was staring at me, which at 75 mph on the freeway is a little hard to do. But there he was - keeping pace with me in a beat-up work type pick-up truck. When he got my attention, he winked at me and then dropped back into traffic. (Yes I was driving 75 mph on the freeway and checking out my lipstick in the mirror. What? Don't tell me you don't do the same thing. I'm a good driver. Okay, a LUCKY driver.) He was kind've cute in a dangerous way. Tattoos, bald head, muscular, manual labor hands. It's the dark red lipstick. Gives 'em blow job fantasies I'm sure. I do look pretty hot today though - I'm having a particularly good hair day.
  • Haven't been to the gym in exactly 2 weeks. Yesterday the attendant/trainer lady called the house to make sure I was okay. Add on a layer of guilt? Monday I resume my gym going. Pinkie Swear.
  • Only 13 more "get ups" til Vacation. (19 days total). Am I counting down? You betcha. What in the world will I have to look forward to after we get back, huh?? I better have a new job, with all new vacation time.

Okay I think we're caught up. Or at least caught up enough I better get back to work. Catchyalater.

posted by LoneStarCupcake  @ 9:38 AM


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Bad News Hughes
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Mighty Girl
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ANTM Elyse
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