Surly Girly Opening her mouth and removing doubt |
Giddy June 10, 2005 So maybe I shouldn't be this giddy - but I will blame it on the caffeine (Starbucks for breakfast) or the fact that I escaped the office for lunch with one of my girlfriends). But I am giddy. GIDDY. And mostly its because I just caught my boss in a major goof up. And she's out of the office today. To know why this is giddy-making is to know that she is self-appointed perfection. Never makes a mistake. Always does her job (and yours too) better than anyone before her and better than anyone ever will. Smarter, faster, better. Than you. And she'll tell you. Anyway - so one of our clients called and apparently there is a major (MAJOR) error in one of the printed pieces that she created and distributed. And its too late to stop it. So we're going to spend a bunch of money to fix it, and it will be late. Hee. It's the little things. All of my gal pals here are also doing the "I'm immune to Karma so I'm laughing at her f*ck up" dance. God bless managers being out on Friday. I almost ALMOST wore open toed shoes today (its not against company dress code, but my boss thinks they're unprofessional so I'm not allowed. I KNOW.) but I didn't have time to give myself a proper pedicure and it was threatening to rain anyway. But I did go have a leisurely (1 hour 15 minute) lunch at Lulu's Noodle Kitchen (Thai) with a girlfriend. Take THAT. (Yes, I'm also a salaried employee so taking a few extra minutes at lunch should not be an issue if my work is getting done (which it is), but my boss is a clock watcher and actually tried to make me "make up" the time the last time I was out of the office for an hour and a half (for a doctors appointment - which is paid for us exempt employees). So yeah. Happy Friday. posted by LoneStarCupcake  @ 1:54 PM |
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