Surly Girly Opening her mouth and removing doubt |
Pressure Point February 18, 2005 Picture this: I'm racing down the freeway on my way back from lunch, when suddenly the sensation of having to go potty *right now* hit me. (Any girl whose ever had her gall bladder removed knows that sensation well.) I'm 15 minutes away, running 30 minutes late and there is very little alongside the highway, so my best option is to grit my teeth and drive like a maniac to get to my office. I immediately SLAM on my breaks upon entering downtown. EVERY Northbound road is one-way and is under construction and/or completely detoured 6 blocks over, so there is really only this one road I can take and its just CRAWLING. Then the 'check gas gauge' light flicks on. So as I'm crawling along.. at a snails' pace.... having to alternately clench my butt cheeks and practice rhythmic breathing... Pressure Point by the Zutons comes on my radio. (Side Note: that song reminds me alot of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion) I had to laugh outloud - which was very nearly a costly mistake. I coasted in to work and threw my keys at the valet along with my gas card and ducked into the bathroom, just in time. Anyway - that was my lunch hour. Now I've got Pressure Point stuck in my head. How's your day going? posted by LoneStarCupcake  @ 4:15 PM |
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